Saturday, October 07, 2006

I have come to the rather scary conclusion that I have overstudied for the practical part of my embryo/histo exam and understudied for the written. I think there were a few factors that contributed to this:

  • I was worried about being bad with visual information and overcompensated
  • There were much more abundant practice materials for the practical
  • There is only one good old exam for the written because of a change in the course directorship and a major shift in the content, structure, and focus of the written section
  • The expectations for the practical were much more clearly delineated, allowing for a more accurate self-assessment
  • Looking at pretty pictures is more fun than, say, memorizing tissue derivations
So time to get my butt in gear!!!

(P.S. - I've had some good pizza since coming to Chicago but I ate from Medici tonight and it was just truly unbelieveable.)

1 comment:

  1. Really? I thought it was awesome. Perhaps that's because I've been pizza-deprived for several years, though.
