Monday, September 04, 2006

A laborious weekend

While driving from Chicago to Milwaukee yesterday, I composed a great blog post in my head. Sadly, I didn't have any connectivity until today and at some point in the intervening hours I completely lost it.

Trust me, you're missing out. ;)

Long weekend. Lots of driving. Many boxes. And of course, my family.

I love my family to bits. That said, we are some of the craziest mo-fos ever. I think at some point over this weekend I wanted to throttle every last one of them. And I'm sure they felt the same about me. :) Every once in a while I realize that I have indeed become my mother in far too many ways to count. While in some respects this is good, in others it basically makes me want to claw my skin off.

But it's done. S. is settled in at college and her roommate, if not perhaps entirely compatible, seems at least relatively normal and is IMHO going to be good for S. by hopefully encouraging her to be a little less Daria-esque (not that there's anything wrong with that :p) and a little more willing to try new things. Most of my stuff is moved and the rest will be done this week. Mom was frequently tearful over her baby going off to college and about me going to school (I'm not really going to be much further away so I don't really get that but OK, whatever), but I think she's going to pull through.

I'm going down once more on Wednesday I think, to set up a bank account, get some shelves at IKEA, and perhaps start to unpack a little. Then on Friday I'm going down permanently. :O

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