Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Reuniting with some old friends

Another round trip today. Many of my goals were accomplished but I was not able to set up a savings/checking account at any of the three banks I visited today for a variety of stupid reasons and that made me grumpy.

On the brighter side, though, not only did I take down more stuff and shop at IKEA (I could spend a whole day there, but I didn't), I started unpacking. And glory be, I managed to unpack all twelve boxes of my books AND fit them all into the two bookshelves that came with the apartment. It ain't pretty, but I did it. (I'll post a pic sometime this weekend.) A good 75% of these books have been in boxes for the past year, since when P. and I moved in 8/2005 I knew that there was a decent chance that I'd be moving again and hence I didn't unpack them (having nowhere to put them was also a factor). Of the remaining 25%, probably 20% had been in storage for the last 4 years, ever since I moved in with P. to begin with. I was just so delighted to pull out all my old friends. I was finally able to verify for myself that my autographed copy of Madeleine L'Engle's A Swiftly Tilting Planet indeed did not burn up in the fire at my parents' house. I was pretty certain that I'd taken it with me and stored it but I wasn't 100% sure that it hadn't been in one of the four or five boxes I lost. So happy day all around. :)

I still want more bookshelves, though -- with the paperbacks stacked three rows deep, they're hardly more accessible than they were in the boxes. But it's not a STAT priority anymore.

P. says that medical school permanently caused him to have an aversion to reading for pleasure (he claims he read widely before that). I'm not too worried about that, though. I don't think the experience that could turn me off of reading has been invented yet.

I also picked up the self-installation kit for my cable internet (it only took an hour and a half). Hopefully I'll be able to get up and running quickly on Saturday.

The original plan had been for P. to take me down for my permanent residence on Friday, but his work schedule has become incompatible with that so it'll be Saturday morning instead.

So much to do between now and then!!!

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