Wednesday, September 20, 2006

O-week, day three

The third day of o-week was officially called "Introduction to Medicine as a Career." We started with an introduction to our society system, which is new to the school (only in its second year) and is sort of a Harry Potter-esque vertical integration of the school. The societies are social but have as their main goal career advising, which hopefully will be nice. I think I'm in Slytherin. ;)

We heard from a panel of alumni physicians about their experiences in choosing their career paths, and had lunch with a member of the faculty. I ate with Dr. Fromme, who is a pediatric hospitalist and apparently head of the pediatric residency program. Very cool lady... I was happy to find out that she was also going to be hosting the faculty dinner that evening.

After lunch we learned about some of the community service opportunities that we can participate in. Unfortunately the clinic I want to volunteer at is on Monday evenings, which is not so good for my Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip viewing. I hope they have episodes on ITunes or something... I'm going to have to check that out. (I don't think wanting to watch one TV show, written by the best writer of dialogue since, well, possibly ever, is asking too too much from life, do you?)

To close out the day, we had a financial aid presentation and found out we can pick up our checks on Monday. Whoopee!!! While the presentation was going on, I had this sudden cold chilly panic feeling that I had not made the first payment on my consolidation loan, which hasn't been deferred yet because we weren't officially registered yet because we start school later than anywhere else on earth. I leapt out of my chair at the end of the talk and powerwalked all the way home only to discover that I'm more on the ball than I thought and had actually made the payment three weeks ago, since I had been foresighted enough to determine that I would probably be too busy to remember it this week.

If only I could have remembered my brilliance.

After that adrenaline rush, I was kinda tired for the faculty dinner. It was still fun though... we went to Dr. Fromme's very nice condo, and she and her wonderful husband had deep dish from three different pizza joints (one meaty & one veggie from each) for us to try out. There was salad to go with, and a choice of Chicago cheesecake or brownies and ice cream for dessert. I learned that brownies originated in Chicago, which I did not previously know. Unfortunately, I've forgotten exactly where. However, I'm sure that information is available somewhere on the internet if you are really that curious.

And then we went home, and I was exhausted. As such, this entry is actually being posted on the weekend. :)

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