Monday, September 25, 2006

Officially MS1 :)

So, it's now official. I have started medical school.

I don't think there's anything I could type that could possibly express how happy I am about this.

Of course, that might be because I'm really tired. My insomnia kicked in last night and I spent an ungodly amount of time re-reading excellent West Wing fanfic (you can find it here, at the wonderful Jo and Ryo Collective, if you are so inclined). So I was yawning a bit in lecture this morning, but it was all good.

We start our days with physiology. The first topic in that class is going to be membrane transport, so we reviewed some basics in that area. Then, in our human morphology (to be called anatomy from here on out, because it's shorter and I'm lazy) lecture, we started out with basic development. After this luxuriously long lunch break, we will have biochemistry and anatomy lab. In lab, we'll be beginning with histology and so I think today we're just basically orienting to our scopes and covering the basics of staining.

My only exposure to anything histo-related previously was a horrific experience with cryosectioning and staining in my undergrad lab that I would just as soon forget ever happened, so we'll see how this goes. I'm awfully glad that I know a pathology HO. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!!! The pathology HO is glad to know you too! :)
